Sunday, February 20, 2011
Bored out of mind
I think my friend on my blog has forgotten me. she doesn't comment any more. no one does. Dad YOUR comments don't count because you live with me. well this weekend sucked. I am bored, don't have that much to do except clean. this Saturday the one time I give it my all at soccer because my coach told me to I do on an empty stomach. All I had that morning was milk and chocolate chips. Lets just say that I regretted my decision. My my my look at the sun. It's time to go. love lion king. bye
Joke of the day
Okay so there are two rabbits running from some wolves. They make it to there den and the wolves surround the hole. so one rabbit says to the other "So should we storm out or wait a few days and out number 'em."
Thursday, February 3, 2011
OMG!! I am sorry for being out off touch for so long, but the Internet is whacked out. Even now it can commit mutiny on me. So I will make this short. I am back so watch it. I hate spell -check. it won't let me type words that I know are right. Like the OMG. It is stupid. But since I can't even spell to save my skin it stays. Well on to other matters. Right now we are having a snow day. It started on Tuesday and it is still going on. It kind of stinks since we used up our snow days thanks to the teachers going on strike. Laters. I'm going to ceck on my friend.
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